Luann Nakazawa (US) lives in Tokyo with her husband, Shige, and their four kids serving with EFCA ReachGlobal as church planters. She loves a nice hike in Japan’s beautiful woods, finishing with an onsen.

4 Responses

  1. Stephan says:

    Thanks, Luann, for the beautiful and encouraging article. You are doing a great job with your kids!

  2. Jeanne McBride says:

    Thanks, Luann, for sharing your story!! I just saw the link to it from Shige’s article in the newsletter. What an “eclectic” educational story for your kids, and an amazing picture of God’s perfect plans! We pray often for you all in E.G.!

  3. Julie Paik says:

    What a beautiful story of leaning into the Lord, asking for and trusting in His guidance for all your schooling decisions. You’re a blessing!

  4. Musa says:

    God is good. Our children were in Japanese school. We brought them to the States for a year of English. Then they attend a School in Japan that used English. Today two of them are using their abilities in Japan. Some of our grandchildren followed the same pattern and are being used in various ways in Japan, too. God’s way is best!!

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